Important questions for DENTAL ANATOMY

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  • #10235


    Physiologic tooth form in relation to mastication
    Diff. b/w primary and permanent teeth
    Concepts of occlusion
    System of tooth notation
    Muscles of mastication
    Anatomy of TMJ with diagram
    Mesial migration
    Leeway space of Nance
    Maxillary air sinus
    Extra cranial course of facial nerve
    Root formation in maxillary first molar permanent
    Chronology of permanent and deciduous dentition
    Embrasures and spillways
    FDI system of nomenclature
    Occlusion at 9 years of age
    Nerve supply to maxillary and mandibular teeth
    Compensatory curves
    Ideal proximal contact
    Eruption diagram at 10 years of age
    Point angles and line angles
    Occlusion in mixed dentition
    Universal system of nomenclature
    Primate spaces
    Curve of Spee , Wilson and monsoon
    Permanent maxillary first molar – all aspects
    Diff. b/w permanent maxillary central and lateral incisors
    Permanent maxillary canine – all aspects
    Root formation In permanent maxillary first molar
    Diff. b/w maxillary first pre-molar and mandibular first pre-molar
    Diff. b/w maxillary / mandibular canine
    Occlusal aspect of maxillary first pre-molar
    Occlusal aspect of maxillary first molar



    Life cycle of ameloblasts

    PDL and its functions , development

    Incremental lines in hard dental tissues

    Morphological and histological differences b/w primary and permanent teeth

    Theories of dentine hypersensitivity

    Lamina dura

    Fate of dental lamina

    Bell stage and advanced bell stage of tooth development

    Age changes in pulp

    Classification of dentine

    Str. Of enamel rods

    HERS – hertwig epithelial root sheath

    Dental lamina

    Pulp stones

    Taste buds

    Submandibular salivary glands

    Functions of pulp


    Histology of mucous membrane with diagram

    Histology of maxillary air sinus

    Development of oral cavity

    Age changes in dentine

    Transparent dentine (sclerotic dentine)

    Diff. b/w enamel pulp and enamel spindle

    Anomalies during histophysiologic stages of tooth development

    Classify oral mucosa

    Developmental stages of tooth development

    Classify salivary glands

    Composition and functions of saliva

    Reparative dentine

    Apposition and maturation of dentine
    Histology of gingival tissues

    Exfoliation of deciduous teeth

    Development , mode of attachment , and age changes in epithelial attachment

    Histology of alveolar process

    Diff . b/w alveolar bone and cementum

    Tooth eruption and shedding

    Clinical points of pulp

    Keyhole arrangement of enamel rods

    Theories of eruption

    Vermillion border of lip

    Diff. b/w cellular and acellular cementum

    Sharpey’s fibres

    Papillae of tongue

    Diff. b/w dentinogenesis and amelogenesis

    Enamel lamellae


    Principal fibres of PDL

    Basket cells

    Histology of alveolar bone
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